Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Let's get Personal

So...I have a friend (Becky, ya gotta love her) who hooked me up with a personal trainer who was taking on clients for the unheard of price of $20 a session. I jumped at the chance to get a kick start on losing fat from my last pregnancy(okay, so that was 27 years ago but don't miss my point). So I have been heaving and hoing, lifting and pushing up, pushing and pulling since OCTOBER and I've lost a grand total of 6 measly pounds. It's hard not to feel pathetic but today my trainer said he was noticing some definition to my arms. The "Relief Society jiggle" when I practice my "Homecoming Queen" wave is less noticeable in my upper arm and I have a small cut (weightlifter lingo for "it appears there might be a bit of muscle under there"). I've learned a lot. Here goes:
1 I am never going to be one of those people who gets on the scale and says "My I've lost 5 pounds over night. I wonder where it all went." Every pound has to be coaxed off with more than an ample supply of sweat and a little swearing.
2 As hard as it is NOT to eat the cookie, it is 10 times harder to get it off my butt once I do.
3 Costco samples have calories. @#&* (remember the swearing part)
4 My scale is not my friend. It's an evil device that plays mind games and produces irrational thought patterns (Oh good, I've lost 2 pounds after five weeks of running 4 miles a day, I'll reward myself by baking cookies)
5 Someone needs to write a new joke book for personal trainers ("no, I meant your other left foot". har har. You'd think you'd be careful what you said to a woman with 50lbs bar bells in each hand (okay 12lbs) Honestly I think one of these days when I roll my eyes they're going to end up in the back of my head somewhere.


Judy said...

I am sooo impressed. I tried lifting weights a couple years ago. It lasted about 3 or 4 months and then my motivation moved away - thanks Laurel!
I didn't lose a single pound. In fact I think I found your 6 and tripled it.

Benjamin said...

Keep up the hard work Mom! The weight may be what gives you satisfction, but you being around to hold my kids is what gives me satisfaction! Love ya!

Jill said...

First of all, to Ben's comment, Mom won't be around to hold your kids, if you don't get on the ball. HELLO! Second, Costco samples have calories...so do "Half-cookies" and "bites" of someone elses dessert. If you can't log it in Diet Power, then don't eat it. Also, I hate Diet Power. Love Jill

tegner two said...

you are hilarious, realistic and inspirational....you rock aunt cathy!!!