Sunday, March 29, 2009


This cartoon made me laugh out loud. (Thanks Nicole) Honestly, I'm getting the impression that I need to make room for "Twilight" in my scripture bag.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Boys will be Boys

When I was raising boys the wisdom of letting them play with toy guns was questioned. Certainly violence was at an all time high in our nation and perpetuating it by letting your little boys play with toy guns was discouraged. I struggled with what would be the most responsible approach, guns from a mother's point of view don't make sense but try telling that to a little boy!! I have a sister-in-law with all boys and I remember at the time her not allowing her boys to have toy guns. She tried to encourage the gentler side of their natures by giving them dolls. A few years ago we were sitting around a fire at a family reunion and one of my nephews confessed that he and his brothers took the dolls, lit them on fire and used them as bombs. The memory still makes me smile.

Anyway, while Jill was scanning all of my pictures (5000 approx, man ya gotta love that girl!!) as a Christmas gift for me she noticed I had a picture of all my guys at approximately the same age. Can't say if playing with toy guns created any violent tendencies, can say, shoot, I like the way my little cowpokes turned out!!!